Builders Warehouse

Massbuild operates four complementary brands: Builders Warehouse, which operates large DIY and home improvement stores in major urban areas; Builders Express and Builders Superstore, a chain of smaller neighborhood home and garden improvement stores; and Builders Trade Depot, a chain of building contractor outlets located in industrial areas in peri-urban and urban areas focusing on delivering a core range for all phases of building projects.

The group currently has 117 stores within South Africa and neighboring countries.
Massbuild forms part of the Massmart group in which Walmart has a 51% majority shareholding.

The Lowdown

Builders stores are characterized by their vast size and enormous range of products and services. This poses a challenge in terms of staffing for the simple reason that it would not be economically viable to have a staff member in every section of the store at all times.

Due to these challenges, unattended customers became a reality which resulted in poor customer experience for the group and potential loss of business. The group was also not able to measure the impact of a possible poor customer experience in-store, resulting in negative exposure on social media impacting the reputation of the group.

Management embarked on a mission to improve the environment by making it easier for customers to get assistance when required and provide valuable input on their in-store experience at the various available touch points.

Service Systems was approached to assist with implementing a range of solutions to best suit Builders’ needs and environment.

Overall Improvements

Our partnership with Builders Warehouse has provided them with valuable tools and customer insights into their business and daily operations.

Real-time features such as Call for Service and Poor Press Alerts have resulted in customers being assisted timeously, feeling valued, and ultimately increased basket spend and customer loyalty for the group.

On average, we collect feedback from between 4,000 and 5,000 customers per store, per month, resulting in a substantial amount of feedback on which to make decisions and take action.

Our system has been running successfully in their stores for 9 years, with regular maintenance, upgrades, and additional initiatives taking place over this time.

Call For Service

Service Call Pads were deployed strategically throughout the stores at department counters, aisle ends, high value cabinets, and store blind spots among others. This assisted with freeing up staff to continue with other day-to-day tasks and offered customers the ability to quickly and conveniently call for assistance if and when required.

Instant Mobile Notifications

Service Phones are carried by heads of department and store managers. A notification displays on the handset, with an audible chime, to let management know that a customer requires assistance or has rated their experience poorly. An escalation alert appears when a customer has been waiting for an unacceptable length of time. This solution keeps management informed in real-time, dramatically improving waiting times across the stores and overall service experienceresolving customer complaints assists with keeping negative exposure off social media.

builders cpi

Instant Central Notification

A Call Pad Indicator is placed at the information counter as an additional layer to ensure customers are assisted in a timely manner. When assistance is required, information staff are able to notify key department staff of the customer in need. The indicator stays active until a staff member cancels the call on the Service Call Pad.

builders feedback

Customer Satisfaction

10” Touch Feedback Kiosks have been deployed allowing customers to provide VOC (Voice of the Customer) Qualitative Feedback.

Customer Satisfaction

Service rating pads (1 & 5 question) are placed at strategic customer touch points throughout the stores, giving customers the ability to quickly and conveniently rate their in-store experience. This feedback allows the business to analyze performance by department and teller in-store, to area, region and the entire group.


Statistical Reporting

Daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports indicate KPI stats at a glance as well as trended information by hour, week or month, by location. Reports are automated by email and are available to view using our online dashboard. This aggregated information gives management the information to strategically maintain exceptional service levels at all times.

builders queue

Queue Management

The Builders store planning team designed the stores with a linear (or snake) queue model for space and service efficiencies. Service Systems Queue Management Systems incorporate digital signage with queue management, perfectly suited for this requirement.

Linear Queue & Supervisor Call

Wireless call pads are mounted at each checkout point. Staff are able to call the next waiting customer, or a supervisor if they require senior assistance, thereby streamlining the customers experience.

builders TV

Queue Screen

A screen is mounted at the front of the queue, showing infotainment to a captured audience, as well as visual and audible queue call notifications.

builders sms

SMS Notification

Various departments in the stores require either a few hours or days to complete a customers order such as paint mixing, glass/wood cutting, repairs, Click and Collect, etc. An SMS notification pad was introduced to quickly and effectively manage this task. The notification process has streamlined the process and reduced wait times and costly phone calls etc.

builders retail

Retail Ready

Robust low tech pads allow staff to simply input the customers mobile number and select from 9 different preformatted text messages.

builders notifications

Customer Notification

Customers receive a preformatted text message notifying them of their order/repair status.  A web link is included, offering the customer the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience.

Proudly crafted in South Africa.

Our solutions reflect the innovative spirit and dedication to excellence ingrained in our local expertise. We are committed to delivering world-class queue management solutions that showcase the ingenuity and quality synonymous with South African innovation.

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